Saturday, July 17, 2010

Blog uses for Educational Leaders

Schools are always looking for ways to increase communication with parents and community members. A blog is a great, no cost, and easy way to disseminate information such as:

  • upcoming events
  • awards
  • classroom highlights
  • reminders
  • deadlines
  • extracurricular activities
  • alerts for early release
  • other important information
Blogs could be used as a marketing tool or for public relations to create a positive image about your school’s campus or district. So many times, all you hear about education and schools are the negative things presented on the news or in the newspapers. When you do send out positive stories to the media, they may or may not publish them. WIth your own blog, you can for sure get the message out to the public.

Parents, teachers, students, and community members can subscribe to the blog and can read the news at their convenience.

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