Saturday, July 31, 2010

Week 3 Action Research Plan

This week I created an Action Research Plan from the topic I chose. After much deliberation, I decided to research the effectiveness of interactive whiteboards. Below is the plan including the steps, responsibilities, timeline, resources needed, and the evaluation methods.


  1. I like your idea to track the effect of SMART boards on student discipline as well as academic achievement. Discipline is the first factor educators should look at in designing any instructional program. Reduce discipline problems--which lead to time off task and out of class--and learning is bound to improve. I imagine SMART board would be pretty facinating to kids in the beginning, but do you think the novelty would wear off? Maybe. That's why you need effective teaching with the SMART boards to keep students engaged, even after these new gadgets become regular fixture in the classroom.

    Nice, simple plan. Accompany it with a one page project overview and your ready to pitch to the administration.

  2. I need to edit my post, but I don't think I can. Here are my corrections: "'a'regular fixture," and "'you're'" rather than "your ready." Oh, well . . .

  3. I know you know how I feel about this topic and am excited that you are doing this study. I like how you plan to train the teachers at the onset of your plan. This gives you the opportunity to model how to use this tool in a setting where it is in the hands of the students. You are also in a position where you can observe their classrooms, which creates wonderful data as you can see how they are using the tool and progressing with it personally! I see this project having various additional wonderings; such as, the idea of checking how these tools affect behavior in the classroom; or how much of an impact occurs on learning when the tool is placed in the hands of the students?

  4. When I remember my elementary smartboard days, I think about how revolutionary the board was to my intructional delivery. You have such an elegant plan for documenting the impact of the boards on achievement using various data sources. Good call on looking at teacher experience in the current subject, not just overall experience.
