Saturday, July 17, 2010

What I've Learned About Action Research

Research is vital in making informed changes or improvements in no matter what profession you are in. In education, most schools look for research-based solutions to solve problems within the school district. This research is usually completed by corporations, universities, think tanks, or outsiders to the school district. Canned solution programs are put in place to correct an issue which may or may not be appropriate. These solutions are usually sent down from administration with no buy in from the teachers who actually have to implement the program.

The great thing about action research is that the school principal and staff ask questions specific to their campus. By collecting and analyzing data specific to their school, the staff can make changes relevant to the needs identified. The staff becomes unified and invested in researching solutions.

Other benefits from principals and schools participating in action research is the opportunity for professional growth, the opportunity to be a role model for their teachers and students, and the opportunity to slow down their crazy schedules. Principals can participate in action research in several different ways including a professional learning community, a superintendent or district meeting, university coursework, or creating a campus leadership team.

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